Space Tape 1-B.

Dec. 13, 1994.

Here is a space tape that was put out by Richard Miller in the past and now a few things mentioned seem to be making more sense....


February 12, 1956 Solar Cross Tape # 1-B By: Mon-Ka, Merku

Greeting my brothers. I am Merku. My purpose in speaking is to relay this information. We of the Confederation do have a purpose in speaking with you in this manner.

I have before me a device which is capable of adjusting the forces of unbalance which exist in the human body. The effects of this device are most helpful in polarizing the electronic cell nature of the body, thereby creating a new force and a general betterment in the condition of health. This device will be made available to your people and to all of the people upon your surface. It can and will alleviate the suffering of a great many.

In this device, we utilize a source of actinic light which is dis- persed through a system of primary light filters. The amanations of this light fall in the spectrum of visible and betatone the invisible spectum. Second order energies, which these emanations consist of, are what is responsible for the polarization of the electrical charges existing in all cellular life.

The condition of balance that is brought about will result in a new feeling of helath and well-being. Since this device is shortly to make its appearance, it is desirable that we mention the fact that there is no danger of over-exposure to those second order energies. Therefore, it is entirely safe in use. The human body can accept only so much of this radiation. The remainder is thrown off. Be aware, my brothers. Soon, the detailed plans shall be in your possession, men of earth.

And now I step aside to let another speak with you. One moment.

* - - - -

Greetings my friends. I am Mon-Ka. It is my purpose to answer sev- eral questions more than my brother Voltra had the time for in our pre- vious communication.

You have asked why have we not contacted people in a position to inform your people? I will state with the utmost sincerity that, for example, your President (Eisenhower) has spoken with our reprsenta- tives and so have certain of your scientists. But, beyond this, we have spoken to all of your world leader (prior to 1965).

Some choose to listen to our statements and believe. Others, un- fortunately, choose to circumvent our offers by not informing their people of these contacts. Mankind on your planet is eager to know the truth. It is a pity that a few would decide that the majority should remain ignorant.

My friends, power is the holy entity worshipped by most of the earth's peoples. The way to this power is contained in a monetry system. Currency on your planet can buy even justice and equality. Those corrupt interests, which control your planet's finances, also control your people. By obtaining interests in your newspapers, radio and television stations and all news disseminating services, knowledge is quite easily withheld from the people.

Money, however, is only a stepping stone, so to speak, to the major interests of power. By this I mean electrical power, atomic power. Power and energy control all of the nations upon your sur- face. Could it be that if visitations from space and vistors from space, in opening negotiations with your world governments, had offered power and energy from a source that was universal and could not be charged for -- do you, my friends, believe this could be the reason verification of our presence has been withheld from the people?

Again, could it be conceived of, that certain power interests in hearing of this and foreseeing their opportunity to make a profit upon the earth's greatest commodity, would see it fast disappearing and see also a collapse of an already shaky monetary system? Again, could it be that these powerful individuals and interests would not care to have this happen? For if, my friends, your people were in- formed that unlimited power was available to them free of charge, shall we say, it would immediately shake your econimic system to the core -- a huge financial loss to some. Would you rest easier, my friends, if I positively stated that we of the Confederation had made such offers in the field of science to your leaders?

Would it be of interest to all people upon your planet to know tha several of our craft are in the possession of your Government? That in examinations of these craft that they know we have such power and can control and use it. Does it seem plausible to you, my friends, that in order to further conceal the truth, that today, aircraft re- sembling our craft are being manufactured so that the people can be covinced that they are only seeing experimental products of these governments?

Do these governments, knowing of our power, think that they can use it for destruction, or to power their own craft, or to make a prof- it on it? Do they dare assume that we would let anyone misuse a power of the Creator? Might this not explain why there is such an interest and race to establish artificial satellites equipped with television to see what the space people are going to do? How many of their ships surround your planet? Do you think that we would engage in such a childish action as chastising your government for not cooperating, by being hostile to the earth's people?

We, my brothers, are here to aid and to help you. Therefore, we contact now the people of earth in preference to world leaders who are pawns to factions, parties and interests. Enligtenment of earth's peoples -- the truth is what we present.

I trust I have been of service by this little talk. I ask you not to believe what I have stated, but to be sincere and believe in truth and love. Let your intelligence convince you if what has been stated is truth.

I shall return and speak again to you, my brothers. Now, I must leave you. It has been my privilege to speak. I am Mon-Ka. Vasu, my brothers.

JW I hope our females won't be mad because he used the word brothers.

Source Of Information: Star Wards, Welcome Home Earthman, by Richard Miller.

John Winston.

Original file name: 94.12.13 Space Tape 1-B